Regular skin checks for skin cancer detection offer several benefits, including early detection of suspicious spots or changes in moles, which can lead to timely intervention before they become more serious.
About 95% of skin cancers are treatable if found early, and most melanomas are found by the person themselves or their partner.
Additionally, skin examinations by a doctor, especially using dermoscopy, are associated with a lower risk of being diagnosed with a thicker melanoma, which is linked to a decreased risk of death and better prognosis.
Furthermore, early diagnosis and treatment reduce melanoma mortality and non-melanoma skin cancer morbidity.
Therefore, regular skin checks play a crucial role in the early detection and treatment of skin cancer, ultimately improving the prognosis and reducing the associated morbidity and mortality.
Mole Findr's primary mission is to detect skin cancer at its early stages. Early detection is crucial for better treatment outcomes.
Mole Findr uses cutting-edge digital technology and AI capabilities for the detection and analysis of skin lesions, improving the accuracy of skin cancer assessments.
Mole Findr has a team of experienced Melanographers who are trained not only in the basics of early skin cancer detection but also in the operation of FotoFinder.
191-193 Commercial Rd, South Yarra
412 Derrimut Road, Tarneit